Top 10 reasons why cats are better than dogs

If you are planning to own a pet and confused which on to choose between cat and dog or if you are a cat lover and looking for reasons to say why cats are better than dogs.Here are top 10 reasons why cats are better than dogs.your confusion will be clear after reading this article.

top 10 reasons

1.Cats are more affordable to own-

Owning a dog costs too much.Not all of us can afford to buy a dog and incur all the expenses it requires.But in case of owning a cat,it does not require many expenses.Cats require less maintenance than dogs and they do not destroy things(toys,clothes etc.) like dogs.

2.Cats are quieter-

Cats are quiet pets.They only make noise when they are hungry or want to cuddle.But on the other hand,dogs keeps barking at other animals,on hearing any sound,when they need attention etc.

3.Cats do not take too much space-

Ever shared a bed with a dog?if yes,you know how much space it takes.dogs need a lot of space to be happy. But a cat does not need that much space,it can sleep in a the corner.provide everything they need,they can live happily in a smaller space.

4.Cats can have indoor only lifestyle-

A dog cannot have a indoor only lifestyle as they need lot of exercise,walk,they love be around other dogs.But a cat can happily live indoor only.just provide their food and litter box.Also,they will be safe.

5.Cats keep all the pests away-

Cats are natural hunters.If you have cats,there will be no pests in your house.they keep them away.Rats,mice will never enter your home.

Also read- How to keep your dog happy(top 10 tips to keep your dog happy)

6.cats do not always need your attention and understands personal  space-

You may not always want to have dog at your feet,following you and convincing you to play or seeking your attention.So,in this case,cats are better.they don not always need your company.

 7.Cats love you more than food-

there is a rumor that "cats love their owners only because they provide food to them" but it is not true.Cats prefer human interaction to all other things.

 8.Cats keep them clean-

Ever wondered why your cat keeps licking the whole body?well,that is how they clean themselves,they do not need bath.But a dog can not clean itself,you have to keep them clean.

 9.Cats live longer than dogs-

This is one of main reasons why cats are better than dogs.On average,cats live from 10-15 years but dogs live from 8-12 years.

 10.Cats are independent-

For a animal lover,it is easy to take care of a pet.But for those who want to own a pet and does not have time to take care of it,Cats are better.Dogs require more maintenance as compared to cats.cats does not always need your attention and company,but a dog a dog always needs your attention and loves to be with you to be happy.

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