Top 5 best dogs for apartment in india
Everyone loves dog and wants to own one but it is not that easy for those living in apartments as dog needs big spaces to live happily and stay healthy.But there are many breeds which you can own.these breeds can live happily in small spaces. Here is a list of top 5 best dogs for apartment/best apartment dogs/best dogs for small space for busy owners in india.
They are short legged and long bodied and hound type dogs.These dogs are loyal and apartment friendly.
The indian spitz dog is a small sized spitz type dog.this breed is very beautiful and friendly.they can live happily in small apartments.
This brees is also good for those living in apartments and small places
Popularly known as the vodafone dog as it appeared in vodafone ads.this breed is perfect for apartments and small places.
5.Indian Pariah Dog-
The street dog breed known as the "indian pariah dog" is also a great breed for apartments and small places..these dogs are very loyal,friendly and easy to train..
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