Top 10 unknown facts about Dogs | some amazing facts you didn't know about Dogs 

Everyone loves Dog for their loyalty and friendly behavior,but very few know these amazing facts about Dogs.

Here is a list of top 10 unknown facts about Dogs you should know-

1.A dog never fogets it's owner-

No matter what happens a dog never forgets its owner,even after years.Their amazing smelling power and face recognition helps them remember their owner as soon as they see them.
Top 10 unknown facts about Dogs | some amazing facts you didn't know about Dogs

2.A dog can read human face and understand emotions-

Its funny but a dog actually knows when you are angry,sad or having a hard time.A new study found that a dog can really read human face and understand your emotions.
Top 10 unknown facts about Dogs | some amazing facts you didn't know about Dogs

3.A dog always rembers who feed them-

If you feed a dog atleast for once,it will always wag its tail whenever it see you.
Top 10 unknown facts about Dogs | some amazing facts you didn't know about Dogs

4.Dogs tilt their head when you talk to them to listen properly-

You must have noticed that when you say something to dogs,they tilt their head.
Top 10 unknown facts about Dogs | some amazing facts you didn't know about Dogs

5.Dogs know how to get your attention-

Sometimes,you may notice your dog doing something weird like running everywhere or making noises,its because they want your attention and love.
Top 10 unknown facts about Dogs | some amazing facts you didn't know about Dogs

6.If your dog loves you too much,it may go mad if you both be apart for too long-

Yes,thats true.I have experienced it,i had a dog back in 2013,i had to go to another place for 3 months.The behavior of the dog changed,it became aggressive and went mad.later,he got depressed and died.
Top 10 unknown facts about Dogs | some amazing facts you didn't know about Dogs

7.Dogs cry/make noise at night when they are bored and left alone outside-

At night,you may hear dogs crying or barking in group,its because the feel alone and bored..
Top 10 unknown facts about Dogs | some amazing facts you didn't know about Dogs

8.Dogs can die due to broken heart-

When a dog becomes too much depressed and broken,it may cause death.
Top 10 unknown facts about Dogs | some amazing facts you didn't know about Dogs

9.Dog is the only animal that loves you more than they love themselves-

You have heard many stories and news about dogs saving their owners and  died.
That's true,they even knows when you are sad and lonely,they becomes depressed when their owner is sad or having a hard time.They can feel your pain.
Top 10 unknown facts about Dogs | some amazing facts you didn't know about Dogs

10.Chocolate can kill your dog-

Chocolate in large amount is poisonous to dogs.A small amount causes only upset stomach but large amount of chocolate causes death.It's because of the component called"theobromine".Human metabolize it easily but dogs proccess it much more slowly making it toxic for them.
Top 10 unknown facts about Dogs | some amazing facts you didn't know about Dogs

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